Whether you’re in the New York metropolitan area, hosting Bronco fans in Denver or Seahawks fans in Seattle, or any restaurant playing the Super Bowl game, there’s a lot of planning that can impact your success on such a big day. Super Bowl Sunday provides a huge opportunity to drive revenue and build a customer base of loyal sports-watching fans, but how do you ensure you will maximize your profits?
- Set the right promotions to capitalize on a captive audience: Every person you can get through the door means one more opportunity to drive revenue throughout the day, so what are you doing to bring fans into your operation? Whether you’re a sports bar or a quick service outlet or anything in between, there are opportunities to engage with your customers and make them your loyal fans on Super Bowl Sunday. Consider past promotions you have run for sports events, or even the Super Bowl — how do those days compare to days when you did not have promotions? Review not just revenue but average check, items sold, and covers seen, then consider what you’re trying to achieve with your promotion: more covers? Higher priced items? More items? Greater revenues? Greater beverage sales with less food sales? Use Avero’s promotion analysis to answer each of these questions and determine what promotion will set you up for success.
- Optimize your menu for full & happy fans: Historical customer behavior is your best indicator of future behavior, and Avero’s restaurant analytics can help you review your menu mix last Super Bowl and trends from past football Sundays to see which items are bringing the fans in. What are your top and bottom sellers? How does that compare to the food cost of those items? When serving a crowd, simplicity can be key; consider condensing your menu to the key crowd pleasers to keep service smooth and the fans happy, and consider the pricing — are there some popular items that could take a price boost, or some higher profit items that you want to sell more of and could take a price cut? Make sure your menu is designed for optimal happiness for you and the fans.
- Prep efficiently for strong profits: Once you’ve set the promotions and have the menu planned, make sure you’re ordering and prepping the right items. Use Avero’s restaurant sales solutions to trend past item sales performance on like days, such as sports event days or holidays. When you review these trends, consider the breakdown between food and beverage items and the breakdown of items relative to your prep line. Take it one step further and look at the hourly breakdown to see if there is a trend in ordering behavior you should be ready for. These factors will help you determine who you need in the kitchen and what you need to order to be ready without having waste.
We can’t predict which team will win Sunday, but Avero’s restaurant solutions can help you prepare your business for success during Super Bowl XLVIII. Learn more and get started today!