The Covid-19 global pandemic carries on. Uncertainty continues to prevail as the death toll surpassed 140,000 and several states made records for new cases this weekend. The path ahead for the hospitality industry remains clouded. But a recurring theme in the struggle for survival is the crucial role technology is playing in the effort to optimize business. Reservation and take out apps continue to thrive, and brand new concepts are hitting the market. Read on for more.

Our Customers and Partners:
- How Hotels Are Changing Everything From Room Service to Restaurants [Forbes]
Our luxury hotel partners continue to set new standards for hospitality amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Creative solutions include socially distant ballroom movie nights, on-property picnic dining, and mannequin families in lieu of roped off tables for adequate spacing.
- Restaurant Tech Companies React to Restaurants Shutting Down Again [The Spoon]
Feedback from tech leaders shows that though funds are tighter than ever during the pandemic, the hospitality industry is leveraging technology as a survival strategy. Square, one of Avero’s POS partners, says “Main Street is nothing if not resilient.”

- CDC Bans U.S. Cruises Through September, Citing Ongoing Coronoavirus Outbreaks on Ships [CNBC]
The Centers for Disease Control extended its no-sail order that was set to expire July 24. The agency cited the industry’s 99 outbreaks on 123 different ships this spring and unsatisfactory reopening plans in its decision. - Where Restaurants and Bars Are Closing Again Across the U.S. [Eater]
It’s hard to keep up with restaurant reopenings and closings across the country with states in constant flux in response to Covid-19. This article tracks the latest developments by state. - Considerations for Bars and Restaurants: CDC Video [Longview News-Journal]
The CDC has created an animated video with considerations and important steps to take when reopening restaurants and bars during the coronavirus pandemic. View it here.

- The State of Restaurant Technology: 3 Major Trends For the Post-COVID World [Restaurant Technology News]
Covid-19 is spurring innovation in hospitality tech. Trends include bring your own device for in-person dining, kitchen automation (ie task-specific robots), touch-free food packaging, and creative delivery solutions. - New Study Surveys Financial Impact of Covid-19 on Restaurant IT Spending [Restaurant Technology News]
Technology spending remains a priority for most businesses despite the financial impact of Covid-19. A survey of 112 senior execs in retail and hospitality industries shows that majority of businesses will spend the same, or more on technology this year.

- Don’t Bail Out Bars, Let Them Reopen [Reason]
Should the government bail out bars to keep them closed, or let them reopen and navigate their own survival? This article explores both arguments and concludes that while some bars will fail, others will find a way to survive for the long haul if given the chance. - Ghost Kitchens Could Be a $1T Global Market by 2030, Says Euromonitor [Restaurant Dive]
Ghost kitchens that only serve take out and delivery are a rapidly growing sector of the F&B industry thanks to Covid-19. As more restaurants permanently close, kitchens will be increasingly repurposed to serve this void with cheaper concepts and higher margins. - NYC Adds 40 New Open Streets for Outdoor Dining, Extends Open Restaurants to October [Gothamist]
NYC now boasts more than 67 miles of open streets and 7,000 restaurants have applied for permits so far to expand to outdoor dining. Mayor Bill de Blasio has promised to continue the program through October 31st.