Use the Avero Covid Resource Center
Optimize is a word that gets thrown around a lot in hospitality because it is central to so many aspects of successful Food & Beverage operations. Optimization helps solve for the variability baked into foodservice. It also helps make the most out of slim profit margins and overwhelming labor costs. Optimization is essentially what turns your great idea into a profitable Food & Beverage business.
F&B optimization is what Avero is all about. In normal times, our customers use Avero insights to make things easier and more profitable, and to highlight opportunities for improvement. In today’s Covid-19 environment, customers are using Avero to help keep the doors open. The insights are the same. But the stakes have never been higher.

Adapting to change
The coronavirus pandemic has forced a lot of change onto our industry. Your operations have likely morphed drastically. How operators use Avero has changed some too. We still capture your restaurant’s data to make optimization a precise exercise specific to your actual operation. But in 2020 you can’t effectively use year over year (YoY) data to predict your future performance. How many hamburgers you sold on Tuesday nights in November last year is going to be less relevant than how many you sold on Tuesdays last month.
Updating your metrics
To help you adjust to the new normal and use Avero as effectively as possible, we’ve put together the Avero Covid Resource Center. In addition to our own decades of experience, we’ve also infused the resource center with the wisdom gained by our customers across the globe during this pandemic. It has recommendations for updating your dashboard and adjusting your metrics. Our tips help you focus on week-over-week performance so you can plan more effectively around recent trends. We also include relevant topics to explore like how to schedule for greater profit, and reports you might not have used regularly before, but that may be helpful during this time. For example, social distancing requirements have likely rearranged your seating arrangements. If you use the Table Performance Report, you’ll be able to understand if/how your most popular/profitable tables have changed.

Making the most of downtime
The Avero Covid Resource Center also has suggestions for how to use any unwanted downtime for long-term gain. If regular operations in normal times keep you too busy to take on new projects, now might be a good time to explore opportunities for improvement. Any improvements you make now can give you a leg up down the road when normal volume returns.
Progress, not perfection
The central theme for hospitality in 2020 is progress, not perfection. Climbing back from the total shut down in March has been difficult and slow, but the industry is recovering. We may not have the customer traffic we want, but we can optimize the traffic we have. If we had a magic wand that would solve the challenges facing our beloved industry we would use it in an instant. In lieu of magic, we offer data and the collective expertise of thousands of operators around the world. Check it out and let us know if you have any additional questions or need support.